Website, Video and Content Production | Face3 Media



Want to stand out from the crowd? You need a robust platform and original content for a unique brand experience. If you want to get closer to your customers, you’ve come to the right place!


Design is not just about making things look nice. It’s about usability. And creating a smooth user experiences designed to evoke emotions and make stronger connections between your audience and your brand.

  • User Experience Design
  • Prototyping
  • User flow
  • Interface design
  • Website design

Full-Stack Development

Front end, back end, and everything in between. We do the heavy lifting, so you can see the results.

  • Database
  • Backend
  • Middleware
  • Front-end implementations
  • Content management
  • Analytics & social media integration


If a picture is worth a thousand words, what can videos do for you? Here at Face3, we tell compelling stories through videos, pictures, animation, and illustration. From short clips to complete movies, we deliver everything to your door.

  • Script Writing & Storyboarding
  • Art & Creative Direction
  • 2D, 2.5D & 3D Animation
  • Motion Graphics
  • Audio


“Content is King” is a well-known mantra in the SEO world. Search engines like Google love high quality articles and thought pieces on a regular basis. Without fresh content, your site gives the impression of being stale – both to users, as well as search engines..

  • Copywriting
  • Blogs
  • Images
  • Motion Design

Need to reach us to discuss your project?